Sunday, December 12, 2010

You Belong to Me - Michael W. Smith

If you're inlove enjoy this... if you're waiting for love,Don't give up..Love is on its way!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Gerald Campbell-(10yrs Old)

Let go and let God!

the additional offrender groans

The additional offender groans

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Friday, November 26, 2010

Pastor Marvin Winans and Pastor Donnie McClurkin

Dear Blog Family,
Trust God today.He has been waiting for your problem.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hezekiah Walker-God Favored Me Ft. Marvin Sapp And DJ Rodgers with lyric...

As you go through the hurts trust God,Because he is the only one that will comfrot you.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Jesus Take the Wheel with lyrics

I'm learning to give Jesus my wheel.I encourage you to do the same, he's waiting.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Please Forgive Me" By The Crabb Family

Enjoy this video, I love it really touch my heart,

I'm Amazed Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Our Father is such a fogiving Father, How can we live our life without him?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Payer Request,

Dear blog family,

I'm asking for prayers for my friend son, he went to the Doctor today and it was not good news,I know that God is a healer,and at the end of this trial, his faith will be stronger,

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Mobile Blog: Payer Request,

My Mobile Blog: Payer Request,: "Dear Blog Family, today I come to you asking for special prayer for this young man I met today, he's very trouble about not having a family..."

My Mobile Blog: My Mobile Blog: Payer Request,

My Mobile Blog: My Mobile Blog: Payer Request,: "My Mobile Blog: Payer Request,: 'Dear Blog Family, today I come to you asking for special prayer for this young man I met today, he's very t..."

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Special Prayer Request!

Dear Blog Family,

Today I'm asking you to please to keep this young man met today in your prayer.He has a void that is taking on toll on him,He don't have a family, I let him know he has a Father who loves him very much, and also hs has found a sister myself, his name Donnel,please Family as you pray remember him in your prayer,

Thank you very,

Monday, September 20, 2010

God is an on time God,

A reunion of a lifetime, for twenty years I've been looking for my childhood friend, but no avail, until I met someone from my country I started telling her about my family, bingo she knew my friend, that I've been looking for, you see! I needed to find her to tell how much as a child her smile and kindness was what that kept me going during all my pain that no one knew of,but only myself and my abusers,Thank God I was able to tell her of her kindness.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

CeCe Winans: I Have A Father

when your earthly forsake you, just remember your unseen father will love.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Broken/Dont Pass Me By

Just remember only God cn heal your broken HEART.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Give Your Shame Back to Satan!

Are you holding on to shame today? Have you done that thing you said you would NEVER do again and now you're afraid to go to God? Well, rest assured that God already knew what you would do (today) and He is waiting for you to come to Him for help, love, forgiveness and strength right now!

Here are some of Satan's lies that I allowed to dictate my relationship with my Creator...until I allowed God to override them with His truth. I pray that once you're exposed to His truth, you allow Him to do the same for you.

Satan's Lie #1: You messed up again! Now you have to wait a week (2 wks, 1 month, etc) until He cools down.
God's Truth: The truth is while you're waiting God out, HE is waiting for YOU! He tells us that He is knocking at the door of our hearts; hoping we answer so that He may break bread & visit with us! God wants to help us overcome so that we may be face to face with Him in Heaven for eternity! Read it for yourself in Revelation 3:19-21! http://http//

Satan's Lie #2: God is standing over your Book just waiting for you to mess up so He can continue to build the case for you not going to Heaven.
God's Truth: The truth is that God's genuine love for us is patient and kind, yet, due to our sinful condition (which sets us up to fear Him) we instead see a cruel pusnisher. God says nothing is further from the truth! In fact, He is rooting for us and tells us how to be confident on judgement day. Get it straight from God by reading 1 John 4:16-18!

Satan's Lie #3: Jesus doesn't understand your struggle with ____ (doing drugs, drinking alcohol, having premarital sex, gambling, etc.).
God's Truth: The truth is since there is nothing new under the sun (Ecc. 1:9), Jesus was confronted with EVERY temptation known to mankind and had a choice to make... just like us! Because Jesus understands the allure of food, sex, anger, substances, etc., He is an effective & powerful intercessor for us when we cry out to God! O, to be like Jesus who ALWAYS went to God/His word for strength in times of weakness and NEVER sinned. Want to read it for yourself? Go to Hebrews 4:14-16 for confirmation and advice for getting back up when you fall.

Satan's Lie #4: Surely God won't forgive you for this again!
God's Truth: Yes, He will and you can receive His forgiveness RIGHT NOW! 1 John 1:9 outlines a 2-step process - admit your sin & truthfully confess and God's forgiveness is guaranteed. But don't forget to repent (turn away from sin)! Why wait another minute if you don't have to?

Satan's Lie #5: "If only you were like _____ (Pastor, Deaconess, Elder, etc) - they seem so perfect! They're better than me."
God's Truth: The old adage is true - NOBODY's perfect! God is not as impressed as we are with the image that people display. Read HIS take on people's 'good deeds' in Isaiah 64:6. http://http//

I will be praying for you all. Please pray for me, too.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Marvin Sapp - The Best In Me

Are you in pain ? that pain is trying to please friends,stop.The only one you have to please is GOD, then and only then you ture will not ask you to please them but grow and learn fron each other the things we hvae gone through in life,

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Somebody's Praying Me Through

This week change your prayer life, make it a week of praying for someone else,

Day of prayer,

Dear blog family.

This Sabbath Aug 28Th will be a day of prayer,singing preaching, and more, I'm asking for your prayer
that the Lord will do a mighty work is our life and also yours,I believe prayer change things,and I'm anticipating this day,knowing the Angels are waiting for us, Amen.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Brenda Lowe - Somebody Somewhere Was Praying For Me

My blog family I'm praying for you daily.God has a special blessing waiting for you,

PRAY ON by Babbie Mason w/ lyrics

Keep praying,When you feel like giving up trust God he will come through for you!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Dear blog family.
Its been a long time since I've not share some words of wisdom
with you guys,Its was a very busy two weeks for me, one I was turning forty and that was very scary,But its came anyway, then it was my country celebration lots of good food from my country ,singing, folk dancing, most of all we worship.Anyway please feel free if you have any prayer request, my email address

Friday, July 30, 2010

Ron Kenoly_Use Me

Let the Lord use you...Stop running!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Say A Prayer - Donald Lawrence ft/ Faith Evans

I"m asking my blog family to please keep me in your prayer,As I do the same for you,please send any prayer request needs that you may have, you're not alone, we're family.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Don't Stop praying!

Hello blog family,

Last week I ask for your special prayer, for this young lady,I'm asking you to please don't
Stop the praying she need it more than ever now, especially this coming Friday,
once again thank you Family,

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Special Prayer Request!

I'm asking for special prayer, for a young Lady who is going through a rough time.I thank God for grace, I know he'll heal her broker heart, Please I only will use the first initial of her name "H"I respect privacy,
Thank you very much,

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Don't miss it today .watch live coverage. or its the last day,until the next five years, Enjoy

Friday, July 2, 2010

Last Day Of The GC,

Dear Family,
Please tune in to or to watch live coverage of the last day of the general conference.
the next time it will be held is 2015, you don't want to wait this long,
to experience Prayer,Sermons,Singing and parade of the world flags, you might see you country,

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How to Implement the enditnow campaign

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Song of Moses

When you have a women of God to lead his people,the anointing really flows!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Amazing Grace History/"Amazing Grace" By Wintley Phipps


Friday, June 25, 2010

Watch Live Service!

This program only happen once every Five years,
Lots of Singing,Preaching,Praying,and more you will be bless,
Web Address,

My Life Then! God Can Realy change!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Much Appreciation !

To each and everyone who visit this blog site, I just want you to know that
I don't take your visit for granted,I'm learning of different country by your visit,
every time I see a county's name for the first time, I run to google and put in your country's names I'm amaze of how beautiful it is,once again thank you very much, please feel free to send me you ideas,@ Ingrid.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

St Lucia guide/My Country

Missing Out1

Hi Family,
Just want to share a some news with you,I was to travel on June 24Th but
it didn't workout forme, I'm disappointed, But I have to trust God only he knows best,
So when things don't workout trust God only he knows whats best for us,

Friday, June 18, 2010

Do They See Jesus In Me

When people see you, Do they see Jesus in you? Think about it!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Dear Friends,
Are you tired of living a lie? that not even you spouse knows about?
that thing that is keeping you from enjoying life,asking yourself
how can I tell my soul mate,well! today you can be free with God's help,
go into praying and God will give you the courage,


Sunday, June 13, 2010

ePsalm 23 | OurPrayer.Org

ePsalm 23 | OurPrayer.Org
I'm asking for special prayer for Laura that God will do a lazarus experience.Thanks!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Maryland SDA Choir, Lagos, Nigeria

Maya Angelou - Phenomenal Woman

Your Blessing!

Your blessing may just be right by you,and you don't even know it, yesterday I met some of the most extraordinary women,I wouldn't know that If I don't introduce myself,
in life we tend to underestimate people we meet,why? because we just go by looks, well from today,when
you come into contact with people,begin to ask yourself how can I be a blessing to this person, or even better, how they be a blessing to me, if you're familiar with the story of Mary and Elizabeth when they met they both were ready to birth,and yes Men
you can birth too, its called birthing your dreams,the story is taken in luke 1

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Are you ready to surrender?Can it be that bad marriage? you're been trying to hold onto, knowing very well its been over,or can it be food,drugs,alcohol,gossip,a destructive relationship?,that has taken away your dignity! surrendering is not a crime,its making peace with one self,and that ok do it for you and not anyone else,your friends may call you a fool, but who feels it knows it, and right now this pain is taking over your soul,you don't have anymore strength left in you,who ever you are I will be praying for you, send me you name when I pray I like to have a name,you are well on your way to VICTOR with God's help only his.

Mary Alessi I Surrender All/You Are God/Angus Dei

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Coming soon

Hello my fans.Soon my complete Bio will be posted,

Sunday, May 16, 2010


First I want to say welcome to this blog site .

I just want to take the time to thank you for visiting this blog site, I don't take you visit for granted,I give God the praise, I pray that you were bless, if you need any I mean any special request please don't hesitate to email or call me 813-394-7522.

God bless

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stop! Think

Question.. have you ever wondered if you're used up your seventy times seven?

Sunday, May 9, 2010


When God speaks and you know what he is saying is the turth, all you can do is surender and have no more excuse, all you can do is to think silentlyand make corrections, That all I've been doing today, So pray for me, as I do the same for you!


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Trust His Heart - Veronica Boyd-Gillis

Only In God's time!

Are you tired of waiting on the Lord? well don't get wearying in waiting on the Lord today I really prove its only in God time things happen not in ours. So my admonish to you today is to be patient and wait on the Lord and he shall give your desire of you heart.Amen.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Gods Knows

God knows best he created everything,

Gods knows best created you and I,

So why don't you trust him with your pain

why don't you trust him with your hurts

he knows all about them just ask him... do you know God

His answer will be yes my child I've known all along

just been waiting on you, anyway lets show Satan who's in charge.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

God Can!

God can deliver you from anything that's a stumblingly block in your life, but first you MUST embrace it, its a test the lord has sent your way you're almost done with this text. What text ?only you can answerthis question, only you know what it is, be bless

Monday, February 15, 2010

When God says YES!

Is God being answering you?but you are listening to mans voice telling you can't? well you need to tune them OUT yes out of your life because God is the only to make the decision in your life journey, so take that step you're been wanting to take its all yours NOW.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Don't Giveup!

Do you feel like giving up?. WAIT find a mirror look at yourself you're come this far and you want you to throw all away just like this? well if that the case everything you're have done doesn't mean a thing to you, your family certainly not GOD........... do you still feel like giving up??????

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010 Is Here!

Once again a new year!I know you can't believe it but its true,well you have to embrace it and do your best,put 2009 behind you for it has gone
God Bless.